Calochortus tolmiei
cat's-ears, Tolmie's mariposa

Distribution: Does not occur in Washington.

Habitat: Open forests, lowland valleys to subalpine

Flowers: May - June

Origin: Native

Conservation Status: Not of concern

Pollination: Bees, beetles


Perennial herb from a deep-seated bulb, the stem 0.5-3 dm. tall, usually branched, slender and flexuous.


Basal leaf flat, 1-4 dm. long and 2-30 mm. broad, much longer than the stem; cauline leaf bract-like, attached at the stem branch.


Umbel usually 1-5 flowered; flowers large, white, cream-colored, or tinged with purple or rose, erect or spreading on slender pedicels which become strongly deflexed in fruit; sepals 3, shorter than the petals, oblong-lanceolate, pointed, glabrous; petals 3, obovate with a wedge-like base, densely bearded on the inner face with long, slender hairs; gland transverse, arched upward, naked, bordered below with a broad, short-fringed membrane and above with one or more series of short, thick processes; stamens 6, style short, stigma trifid and persistent.


Capsule elliptic, 3-winged, nodding.

Accepted Name:
Calochortus tolmiei Hook. & Arn.
Publication: Bot. Beechey Voy. 398. 1840. 1840.

Synonyms & Misapplications:
Calochortus caeruleus (Kellogg) S. Watson var. maweanus (Leichtlin) Jeps., orthographic variant
Calochortus elegans Pursh var. lobbii Baker
Calochortus purdyi Eastw.
Additional Resources:

PNW Herbaria: Specimen records of Calochortus tolmiei in the Consortium of Pacific Northwest Herbaria database

WA Flora Checklist: Calochortus tolmiei checklist entry

OregonFlora: Calochortus tolmiei information

E-Flora BC: Calochortus tolmiei atlas page

CalPhotos: Calochortus tolmiei photos

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